THE WRONG ONE is the right one to lead you to the best one
When I was in college, some of my favorite classes were my religious institute classes. These classes helped me meet people who believed like me, often had the same standards that I had and helped me find clubs and organizations that I enjoyed. While attending these classes I had one specific teacher or mentor that really knew how to connect with his students. He knew what we were all concerned with, and really understood what we were going through at that period in our lives. Often he would have one liners that really stuck our, or made the lesson memorable. “The wrong one is the right one to lead you to the best one,” was one of them.
This one liner happened to be in relation to dating, but I have been thinking about it a lot and I think it applies to starting your own business too.
When I first started my business, Hobby Designs, I didn’t know where to start. I am terrible at getting out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and the thought of failing has prevented me from accomplishing a lot. I decided though that I was ready. I want to grow and so I am trying new things and telling myself that it’s ok to be vulnerable.
Hobby Designs started with a little jewelry making kit. One of those that you roll the fake leather sheets through the press and cut out different shapes and make really simple jewelry or bows. Then my husband bought me my first laser as a Christmas gift. We had spent a really fun Thanksgiving with my in-laws, and I was really impressed with what it could do. I began making all sorts of things!
I posted what I made on Facebook, but I really wanted to start selling. I made connections with a few crafters and local grocery stores and REALLY put myself out there. Offering what I made was so intimidating to me. I had a few projects that I was really proud of, and others that I knew I was just learning so I shyly presented them, feeling like someone could have done them so much better than I could. The great thing is that is a part of the process too. The longer I have done this, the more I can look back and see how much my painting has improved, or my product knowledge has grown… but I’m getting ahead of myself.
As I showed people what I could do, some were willing to give my products a try and bought them to sell in their store. I began fulfilling orders, and began learning a lot about the ins and outs of business. I learned in a hard way, that business owners need boundaries and policies in place. As a business owner I had to learn that if someone wants what you have to offer, they will pay for what they want. I had to find that value, and learn how appreciate it. Not just in what I was making, or selling, but in myself.
In trying to grow both personally and in business; Some of the contacts I have made have been lessons, and some have been blessings. Through the wrong ones, I have found the right ones! I have made friends that I collaborate with, and who want to see women and other businesses succeed. It has been so much fun learning and growing along these women who have become my friends. Women who are not in a competition, or a race to be the best, but have the drive to motivate and help others.
So to the wrong ones, I say thank you for the lessons. For the right ones I say thank you for your friendship, valuing my time, and what I offer, and also for helping me grow! I am so excited we are in this together!